
Explode Soda with Mentos

Summer Science Boredom Buster

By Jessica Newcomer, Publisher of Macaroni Kid York July 28, 2016
Looking for a fun, yet educational, science project? We have one for you! This simple science experiment will show your children an exploding example of chemical reactions - right in your backyard! Plus, it is quick and easy with little prep or cleanup involved.

All you need is:
  1. Diet Soda - Any brand or flavor will work. We recommend diet because it is sugar-free so it will not create a sticky mess.
  2. Mentos Mints - Any color or flavor. Both mint and fruit flavors work.

What you do:
Leave your soda bottle out in the sun while you are setting up because warm soda tends to explode more. Find a nice outdoor grassy location. (We do not recommend doing this activity inside as it will be messy!) Remove the cap from the soda and get ready. The more Mentos you get into the soda bottle before it starts exploding, the higher the soda plume will be. Quickly drop a few Mentos in the soda bottle and watch it explode!

How it works:
It's the Mentos reacting with the soda and creating a rush of carbonation. This is the perfect example of why you never mix chemicals, because they could have an exploding reaction! While there is much speculation, we do not know the exact reason why Mentos react to soda. So maybe your Mac Kid will grow up to be the scientist who solves the Mentos and Soda mystery!


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